6 Directories Worth Submitting To
I saw a post today on a forum about whether a person's time would be better spent submitting their site to a list of 500 directories or building 10 pages of content. I think setting a goal of either/or in this situation is a little lacking in ambition, but I also think that most directories aren't worth submitting to. In my experience, here are some directories that ARE worth submitting to:
1-DMOZ - Lots of Internet pundits and SEO's saying that DMOZ is dead. They're dead wrong. A DMOZ listing is still a great ingredient to add to your optimization and backlink strategy. I've never seen so much hatred and nonsense written about a single website before. But at the end of the day, get the DMOZ listing if you can.
2- Yahoo - You'll occasionally see people who claim a Yahoo directory listing isn't worth $299 either. These people are also wrong. You definitely want to get yourself a Yahoo listing. In fact, that should usually be the 1st directory you submit to.
3- Aviva Directory - This directory just plain rocks, and that's all you can say about it. Unlike most directories, Aviva has a lot of genuine and well-written content available on their site too.
4- JoeAnt - This is a good directory with volunteer editing opportunities available. Worth checking out.
5- GoGuides - Another good, older directory. A submissions specialist there can add several sites per month, but there's a fee to become a specialist. Depends on whether you plan to do a lot of sites on a regular basis or not as to whether or not it's worth the fee.
6- Best of the Web - These guys have done a nice job, although I think they're overly restrictive with their blog directory requirements. I have a gambling blog which they won't list because it's not 6 months old. But my gambling blog has over 500 posts, and they're not miniposts either, but substantial, quality posts.
Most people are too link obsessed anyway. Build lots of quality content and you'll get links.
I'll post later about the insanity of the legions of webmasters who are now terrified of doing normal, old-fashioned link exchanges.