Friday, November 11, 2005

Lists of Directories

A lot of talk goes on in search engine blogs and forums about whether or not directory listings help or hurt your ranking. Some folks are from the "any link is a good link" school of thought, while others are only interested in having their site associated with other high quality sites. The latter are picky about which directories they submit to. I think a middle road is probably best. I wouldn't submit to EVERY directory. But I do submit to a lot of directories.

I'm not going to include a list of directories here, because a lot of other people have already created lists. Instead, I'm going to include links to other lists of directories that I've found useful.

1. Link Building Blog - Directories Category has not only a list of directories, but excellent discussion of which directories are good, which ones aren't, and how to tell the difference. Andy Hagans, by the way, is one of the smartest people I know, ESPECIALLY when it comes to link building.

2. We Build Pages Directory List is a list of directories that they will actually submit your site to on your behalf. This is a pretty neat service idea, actually, and I wish I had thought of it first. It's a handy list even if you decide to submit your own sites though.

3. I like Strongest Links' List of Directories because it categorizes the directories and allows you to sort by submission fee and by PageRank.

4. Directory Archives is a list of directories sorted by category. Very nicely done.

5. SEOChat has a thread listing directories. The title of the thread includes the word 'comprehensive', but the thread hasn't had any new activity since July, so surely there are more directories that have sprung up since then.

6. SEO Guy has a list of the best paid directories. It's an OLD thread, but there might still be some gold worth panning for here.

7. High Rankings has a good list of directories in this thread also.

So when you're looking for backlinks, and you need a place to find directory lists, maybe this post will help you out.


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